Celebrating July 4th – Now & Then

IMG_0391July 4th is a time we often get together for fun with family and friends, backyard BBQ’s and picnics abound. Those gatherings invite the telling of stories from times gone by.

I remember listening and laughing along with Mom and Dad, Aunts, and Uncles telling us stories of their past. Our loved ones may have to leave our lives, but their memories don’t. Stories told but not captured, don’t let them dissappear.

Consider: When your celebrants are gathered, pull out (or pull up) some pictures from other celebrations and “Pass the Story-Please”

Take the time to reminisce and share the stories and your family’s saga – it’s a rich a legacy. RECORD those stories, with the technology we have at our disposal you can easily catch Aunt Eda relating a piece of personal history and jotting even snippets down to go with your photos of family and friends makes them come alive.

Your descendants will be blessed!