May. 26th, 2015 · 10:14 pm · Category:
Let's Talk,

If you work at the coffee table? – Many people have a favorite chair and while they have something to drink or watch TV… while there they’ll open mail, take calls or return them, make notes. Things inevitably gather and get left behind, for us ladies, that often includes earrings, hair clips and rings. Instead of chastising yourself because you don’t automatically put them away. That’s ideal but life interrupts our best intentions.
So prepare in advance, put out a small container to hold jewelry and small items, a small basket, in this case I used a flea market silver cup and dish. I also used a napkin hold for the info papers and a notebook.
Mind Saving
Tip – A single notebook has proven very helpful to me, no posits or back of an envelope jot. When I need to save some miscellaneous piece of information, a phone number I’ll only use in the moment, reminders and ideas I want to remember or to do lists into the notebook they go. I always no where I took down some obscure piece of information. It’s best when the notebooks are the same, and they type that are perforated in case you
want to keep it attached to a file. One more thing remember to date your notebook when you start and then again when you fill it up.
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May. 20th, 2015 · 8:17 pm · Category:
I know it’s May still it’s rainy and cold (it’s May already for crying out loud! ).
Does it feel like the Winter Blahs have moved in to stay?
Some ideas to conquer the doldrums, yours and your home’s.
My first step to organizing, or interior design projects is to SURVEY. SO, look around the room you’re in what do you see – what does the room say to you? (I need a red bull. When’s HGTV crew coming?). Is there anything that puts out a winter vibe? …
Let the light in, schedule a window wash.
Take out a note pad and brainstorm things you could do freshen the room.
Touch up the paint on the doors and trim full of fingerprints. lor. Prune your indoor plants, think about what flowers you might put out on your patio. Rotate some things away for the spring/summer months, replace with something white. Go thru those decorator magazines, tear out inspiration pages, toss the rest.Get some new pillow covers in a fresh lighter summer co
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Dec. 1st, 2011 · 10:26 pm · Category:
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